June 30th, 2019 6 Fish 18.06 lbs

 In 2019 Results, Tournament Winners
Team#Team Members PlaceTotal FishTotal Wt.Big FishPalce Pts.Total Pts.
114James SteisgalBill Damron1618.066.2400430
135Martin HumphreyKohl Wrobel2510.354.72398423
101Jasen SchineEd Michniewicz368.530396426
112Nick IngogliaMichael Spachman426.925.27394404
103Jake BeckerChris Rice556.050392417
109Al DamsRobert Galladora635.730390405
130Chris JensenBoyd Jensen715.55.5388393
111Tom KiesgenBob Kiesgen815.125.12386391
105Mike HallMatt Gray934.960384399
136Kevin WillisKeith Volkmar1034.790382397
118Kyle DunnBilly Adcock1144.730380400
108Mike WallRon Motroni1214.224.22378383
121Janice DeWaalToni Brill1323.510376386
107Richard RehmRoss Rehm1433.230374389
110Jeff SchultzAndrew Workinger1523.110372382
106Sean PettiboneBill Gowans1632.930370385
113John SanbergRussell Bachara1722.790368378
123Brian WilsonNick Wilson1822.770366376
128Bill AdcockJason Adcock1922.480364374
131Jason WebsterJamie Flores2011.920362367
116Ron LevinTony Klepacki2111.820360365
120Nick KretchDan Schultz2211.250358363
115Joe BaronMike Baron2310.750356361
104Anthony ZimmerBill Vojack240000100
151Savicz, AdamEngelking, Justen250000100
125Casey FellingTrevor Wood260000100
138Jilly, JohnJilly, Ryan270000100
133Brian MazurMarc Mazur280000100
122Chris NicolayCarley Nicolay290000100
129Jon TisoJake Veres300000100
134Bill CraigJohn Craig310000100
126Don WinslowWilly O’Connell320000100
117Zackary HeiselmannEugene Nesmith330000100
102Peter MurphyTim Mastandrea340000100
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