WWA is very disappointed to report the cancellation of the May 5th Illinois qualifier. The Fox Waterway Agency posts water levels for Fox Lake near Lake Villa which we’ve been monitoring on [...]
First and foremost, our thoughts and prayers go out to those of you who are being affected by this flooding. The WWA has rescheduled the cancelled April 21st IL Division Qualifier for Sunday June [...]
April 21st IL Qualifier is CANCELLED, Fox Chain CLOSED! The Illinois DNR has closed the entire Fox Chain system to all boats due to high waters and flash flooding. The April 21st qualifier is [...]
Sponsor Contingencies Illinois Division BCU – “WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK” AWARD For all Illinois Qualifying events BCU is offering a refund of a $180 entry fee to the lowest [...]
April 14th, Winneconne Qualifier Cancelled Due To Ice WWA is disappointed to report that the 1st Wisconsin division qualifier was cancelled due to safety concerns related to the large ice flows [...]
World Walleye Association, Winneconne Wisconsin Our first Wisconsin tournament of the season is scheduled for April 14th with the take off out of Waterfront park in Winneconne. As most of you [...]